The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has led to billions of people around the world having to change the way they live their lives. A number of businesses, both small and large have been advised to close with many employees being asked to work from home.
There are a number of huge benefits to working from home, but there are also some lifestyle challenges. Here are 10 ideas to help you make your work-from-home experience as successful and productive as it can be:
1. Create a Dedicated Workspace
If you’re fortunate enough to have a spare room then it might be a good idea to consider turning it into an office. Even if you live in a smaller building, it’s useful to have a specific place where you can work.
2. Don’t Be Harsh On Yourself
Having a to-do list of the things you want to complete is always useful. However, you need to realise that sometimes you won’t be able to complete everything you’ve set yourself. Don’t feel bad if this is the case, particularly if you're new to working at home.
3. Try and Minimise Distractions
Many people find that they’re distracted more often when they work from home. The coronavirus outbreak has led to thousands of people working from home due to businesses closing their doors. Schools have also been closed to all children whose parents aren’t key workers. Many workers will find themselves working from home whilst trying to take care of their children. Although it’s hard, you need to try and avoid as many distractions as possible. Find something for your children to do that will keep them engaged while you complete your work.
4. Learn as Time Goes On
It’s going to take time for you to get used to working from home. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’ll find that over time you’ll become more productive. It just takes a bit of time to get used to it.
5. Take a Break
People who work from home often find it hard to switch off. You need to take regular breaks during the day. COVID-19 means that we’re not meant to leave our home environment, so maybe you could take a walk around your garden or watch a bit of TV to relax.
6. Keep in Touch With Your Colleagues
Even if you can’t meet up with your work colleagues in person, you can still keep in touch with them. There are a number of ways you can contact each other like video call, email or a simple phone call.
7. Try and Create a Comfortable Environment
Your home workspace needs to be as functional and comfortable as possible. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair for eight hours a day will only make you feel miserable.
8. Set Targets and Try and Beat Them
Setting yourself aspirational goals is a brilliant idea. Decide what you want to get done in a day and then see if you can achieve them or even beat them.
9. You Will Feel Disconnected From Your Team – This is Normal
Obviously, nothing is better than face-to-face communication, but this isn’t possible at the minute. You may feel like you’re out of the loop, but you need to remember that everyone is in the same boat. Try and stay in touch with your work colleagues as much as you possibly can.
10. It’ll Take Time to Get Used to Working From Home
Working from home is often a lot trickier than working in an office. If you’re worried that you won't get as much work done, then don’t. Most business owners understand that these are unprecedented times and that their employees will need time to adjust to their new routines.
Many people are being encouraged to work from home, but for those of us who’ve never had to before it can be daunting. Try and remember that it's going to take time to get used to your new routine and environment. Give yourself some time and try and relax. You will soon feel more comfortable with the situation.
Stay well, stay safe from all at EGA!